Saturday, March 3, 2012

Am I my brother's keeper?

You all know the Parable of the Good Samaritan. He served when others ignored or altogether avoided the situation. He gave time, effort, and money to help this unfortunate man, expecting nothing in return. The injured man probably never even knew who it was that helped him in his time of need. Watch this...

Did you ever stop to think that this poor man was someone else's husband, father, and son? How do you think the good Samaritan's actions affected these people?

We don't have to do something miraculous or life changing. We can serve in small ways, too. Change a flat tire. Smile and share encouragement. Drop an extra coin in a beggar's cup. Can you see how making a concerted effort to serve others will change your life and others?

The words you say, the feelings you express, the sacrifice you make will change lives...beginnning with you own.

I love you, dad

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