Sunday, November 10, 2013


Nearly 30-years-ago, I interviewed for a position at BYU to help make the genealogical resources in the Provo campus available to other Church schools and members across the world. This was back in the day of microfiche and before public use of the Internet. What seemed like a massive job then has come to fruition and not only been completed but exceeded in our day. The breadth of what has been accomplished far surpasses the vision that was articulated to me back then. The distribution of the works of God transcends our fondest expectations and will unfailingly continue to do so.

This work will not fail. The success and prosperity of the Kingdom of God on earth will continue to grow and flourish until all the prophesies are fulfilled and the works of God finished

And literally hundreds, perhaps thousands more. This is but a sampling of the blessings God has made accessible for your use. These resources are available to you to combat the plagues of mistrust, deception, addiction, and deception in our world today.

Your challenges are unique. The Lord has provided sustenance.
Use them daily to provide strength, guidance, and hope.

That's their very purpose.

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