Sunday, January 26, 2014

Feeling the truth

Though I may not always be able to express how I know, I feel it.

And that feeling is more powerful than sight and endures much longer.

Perhaps that's one of the treasures of Lehi's vision of the tree of life. You remember that there were mists of darkness, a large and spacious field, a river, and forbidden paths. How did they make it through these obstacles? By clinging to the iron rod and pressing forward, they were able to navigate all these distractions. They held fast to the word of God, especially when the mists of darkness obscured their view. Even when they could not see it, they could always feel it. Likewise we can trust our heart, even when we cannot explain what we are feeling.

I can see so many evidences with my eyes, even when they are closed...

How do I know?

Because I can hear him from my heart Doctrine & Covenants 85:45,46

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