Sunday, October 9, 2011

What I remember most about my dad

The prevailing memory I have of my father is that he loved the Savior Jesus Christ and gratefully served Him throughout his life. He was kind, patient, hard working, thoughtful, and loved by all who met him. He sought out the lonely and lifted the downtrodden, because he tried to emulate the qualities of the Redeemer. Of course, I have many fond memories of him and our experiences together to which I have written and will continue to write at great length. But to me the defining characteristic of my father is his love for the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

In his own words:
Our Moab seminary teacher and his wife spoke in the Castle Valley branch some time ago. Her talk was on a matter I have long been concerned about. The problem comes into perspective at a sacrament meeting: Adults as well as children give tender loving praise for bishops, teachers, neighbors, and the prophet etc. But too few feel and express it for the Savior. We are not achieving our most important goal until we have established in the hearts of our children and the saints, an even greater love for Him. Friends may betray us, spouses may leave us, health may fail, and our possessions burn up. But Christ, His promises, understanding, and love will never fail us. With some trials and most tragedies, only this can get us through. When we can take a thankless, demanding calling; give up something we wanted greatly, so we can pay our tithing; or help out someone who has badly hurt us ... and say "I wouldn't do that for anyone, except I'll do it for Christ!" ... then the power for good He can have in our lives is becoming a reality. He must be the foundation of our lives.

"I think about the great sacrifices my parents and fore bearers made for me, and the great example they set of complete faithfulness to the Savior and His teachings in their lives. Now it's my turn. I would surely feel amiss to pass on to my posterity something less.

"As sweet to me and powerful in my life as the numerous blessings I have received, nothing brought more peace, and hope, and joy than has come from discovering the marvelous qualities of the Savior and all the gracious, loving and merciful things He has done for me and my loved ones. I cannot in any way repay Him, or properly thank Him. But this I can do, and seek with all my heart to do, and that is stand as a witness of the goodness of the Father in giving us such a leader and friend as the Savior”

(I will) stand as a witness that Christ is divine, has risen from the dead, and out of his love for us has overcome every barrier to our return to Heavenly Father, and enjoyment of the unspeakable joys of eternal life.

I know that His teachings are the only way to happiness and peace in this life, for individuals and nations, and to joy in the life to come.

All I do and say is in the hope that I might help His cause and help others come to Him for the right guidance in life, and the strength to do what's right.

I know that through Christ, sins can be overcome and forgiven, and lives changed, and hope restored."

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