Sunday, September 30, 2012

The Will of God

The scriptures discussing the last days, talk about the fiery darts of the adversary that will be severe and the sore deceptions of our day, so much that even the very elect may be deceived. Matthew 1:22 

Sounds pretty bad. It's prophesied to be so grim that if the last days were not shortened, none would be saved. Matthew 1:19-20

That's pretty powerful language. So what are these hurtful darts? And why fiery? How can you recognize them?

Tactics and strategies of the adversary designed to mislead mankind can be referred to as fiery darts. They are destructive. They may appear relatively small, yet are incredibly powerful, hence why so many are deceived.

And what is the significance of a fiery dart? Well. I think one way to explain it follows:
You have all played darts. Seems like a relatively harmless game. Yet the darts used in the jungle to kill prey can be coated with poison, which means they would be more painful and damaging. But a fiery dart is even more destructive. Fiery darts are the most dangerous of all and may leave devastation in their path. It's not really the "point" of the dart that is really the most concerning. It's the flame. A properly positioned fiery dart can destroy an entire covered wagon, a ship, a fort, or even a city.

A partial list may include the depression, pornography, other addictions, and challenges we are called to face in the every day obstacles of life.

Of course, that is not comprehensive but a sampling. Yet the tactical strategies to overcome the multitude of fiery darts of the adversary are the same. They could include the following:
Ephesians 6:16 promises us that the shield of faith will protect us from all the fiery darts. You can recognize and deal with them. And you needn't face them alone because, family and friends can provide help, support, and strength.

Enduring to the end is key. This gives the Lord an opportunity to help us. I love the words Paul spoke at the close of his life:
"I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith" (2 Timothy 4:7)
We build our testimonies on the rock of Jesus Christ that we, too, may be able to say those words during hardship and in the twilight of our lives.

That is my hope and prayer. Mormon 9:37

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