Thursday, September 12, 2013


You are no doubt familiar with the quote "The only problem with life is that there is no background music." The author is unknown.

When I first heard this idea, I was intrigued. Any message can be even more influential when set to the right music. We have all experienced the power that can come from tactfully tantalizing tunes or meticulously moving melodies or a positively pristine piece of work. 

Now with Youtube and iPods, background music in life is not only possible, it's a reality.

My first year of college, I was shooting for an A in my Fitness for Life class. We ran a mile-and-a-half three times and received a grade based on our progress. I exercised and practiced all semester long. I improved but still had to have a great time in my final attempt. I listened to Eye of the Tiger all morning the day of the test as motivation and to help boost my chances.

So what does this have to do with you? 

The same principle applies to success in life. It's easier with a good strategy and lots of good advice and help when needed.
But of course, we know the Author of our good fortune.

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