Thursday, July 19, 2012

Do not be afraid

So I watched one of my favorite movies tonight, and it was even better than I remembered it.
Life can be hard. When there is no way you can do it alone, do you think God can help?
You have got to give it your best and leave the rest up to him...

Grant edged his way in the locker room through a bunch of rowdy Eagles, after their state
champion victory.
"Hey!" Grant barked. He lofted a tall, glistening trophy with both hands. "Who's the state champion?"
The players banged their helmets and cheered.
Grant handed off the trophy to Brady. He didn't want to put a damper on the mood, but he did
want to harness their energy and turn it in the right direction. He wanted them to remember
this moment, these words, this gathering, for the rest of their lives.
Not all of their experiences would be bright--he knew that firsthand. Some question would never be answered--he knew that too.
But none of that changes what God did here tonight.
"Okay, okay. I've got something to say.
"David Childers... don't you ever let anyone tell you that you're under par, second rate or
inferior. I just watched God do a miracle through you. I saw a field of Giants, eighty-five of
them to be exact, fall in defeat. Now you tell me what's impossible with God. Nothing coach.
"Zach I just watched you and the offense do what they said could not be done. Now you tell me what's impossible with God. Nothing coach.
"Broch how about it...built that stone wall didn't you? And it stood. Now you tell me what's impossible with God. Nothing coach.
"How about it Scott? What's impossible with God? Nothing. Are you sure cause those giants are big? They out number us three to one. Are you sure there is nothing impossible with God? I am sure coach.
"How about it Nathan? What's impossible with God? Nothing coach.
"Jonathan? Nothing. Are you positive? Positive coach.
"So am I. So am I. God can do whatever he wants to do however he wants to do it. And he chooses to work in our lives because he loves us, because he is good. Hope today is a milestone for what he can do for the rest of your life if you trust him."

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