Monday, November 4, 2013

The song of redeeming love

Many of you know that I just celebrated my 25-year reunion from graduation at BYU. I know. Wow. Where did the time go? It's surreal to think about.

But one thing this has given me is the perspective of hindsight. Are you interested to know what I would do differently with that enhanced point-of-view?

School...I would do it again. I would stay and get a master's degree. I may go into a different major. The degree is more important than the major. I have learned that your college degree is a launching pad. Like a diving board, it lifts you higher than you can go alone. Where exactly you come down is not as important as the opportunity it gives you to soar.

Family...I wouldn't change a thing. Weird? Perhaps, but your mother is a wonderful spouse. We have been very fortunate to have great children and feel Heavenly Father knows what is in our best interest. I leave family matters to Him. His perspective exceeds ours. I know His plans for us exceed our fondest imaginations.

Love...well you may think I wouldn't change my love life either, but you would be wrong. If I had it to do over again, I would be more kind, more gentle, less volatile, and more patient. I would regularly express appreciation and sincere love every day. Life is so short.

Journal...I would write in my journal consistently starting at a younger age. I am not necessarily an advocate of daily entries, but I see the value in regular contributions. This blesses your life and your family's lives now and over and over again far into the future.

Life...I would set more goals. I would be more friendly. I would exhibit greater confidence and let my fears be consumed by my faith. I see the value of giving my will to God. We can do much more with our Heavenly Father's help. God's will can be done by us and through us.

Sure. I know that I can do and be better. Just like a child, I am still learning, but I know that I am not alone. The Lord has prepared a way for me by trusting in Him. Helaman 3:35

I will always treasure the fact that He gave me honorable parents and a faithful wife and family.

O take and seal my heart; seal it for thy courts above. video text

Alma 5:26

The Glory of God

1 comment:

  1. Listen to and enjoy the whole video. It's well worth it. The particular portion of the talk that inspired the title of this post begins at 49:33. Singing the song of redeeming love is rejoicing in the Atonement of Jesus Christ. Come and be strengthened.
